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The improvised musical theatre show in Amsterdam


Enter the world of improvised musicals!


Come see The Unplanned Musical in Amsterdam!

Have you ever wanted to see a ✨Broadway Musical✨, but couldn’t afford the tickets? Or perhaps you're in search of a fresh, exhilarating musical experience?
Well we've got you covered! 

For the price of a modest bike lock you can get tickets for the premiere of our brand new, fully improvised musical. (Just as we double-lock our bikes, we're determined to ensure our performance is well-locked into your heart! ❤️ )

Join us as we seek out the strange but undeniably true aspects of life and the almost unbelievable moments of characters you'll connect with instantly. We believe that life ìs magic, and we just can’t resist sharing it with you. 🎭 

Prepare to exit the theatre feeling utterly spoiled, having experienced a musical created on the spot just for you. The idea of paying top dollar for a Broadway show will never cross your mind again. (You have been warned—you might just embrace your inner Dutch frugality! 🌷) 


"I have rarely seen an improvise ensemble sing counterpoints and vocally underscore like this group."

Emma Wessleus



Our cast can't wait to meet you!

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